Unlimited Coaching Package (12 Month): Your Path to Transformation
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Empathetic Frontline Healthcare Worker | Leadership Coach | Mental Health Advocate | Keynote Speaker | Podcast Host

With a fervent commitment to guiding individuals, executives, and organizations towards self-empowerment and strategic success, David is a dedicated professional renowned for collaborating with executives, academics, and businesses in navigating challenges and achieving their objectives.

Hailing originally from Scotland as a childhood immigrant, David has dedicated his career to working alongside talented leaders across the Canadian landscape. Recognizing the pivotal role impactful leadership plays in driving significant change, he brings a wealth of experience to the table.

Emphasizing a collaborative approach, David works with a dynamic team of leaders to address the growing needs of the wider community. Together, they leverage their collective expertise to create positive change and make a lasting impact.

Beyond professional endeavors, David serves as a passionate advocate for mental health, drawing from their frontline experience as a First Responder & Mental Health Specialist with the Canadian Mental Health Association and the Toronto Community Crisis Service. They provide a community-based, client-centered response to non-emergency crisis calls, advocating for a compassionate alternative to traditional enforcement.

In 2020, David received acclaim as the author of an award-winning memoir, sharing personal experiences and shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in advocating for mental health. As a public figure, he continues to champion the destigmatization of mental health and addiction issues.

Eager to foster positive change, David invites like-minded professionals to connect for collaboration or insights. Feel free to reach out and join the journey towards a more empowered and understanding community.

Leaders are not born... They are forged in the fires of change.
— David Giffen, Founder of 403LC


David studied at the Anglican Centre in Rome (2013) & St George’s College in Jerusalem (2018). During his time immersed in three faith traditions, he developed relationships with interfaith groups and leaders; working to establish deeper understandings of Islam and Judaism around the world.

We are all worthy of love. No matter what you have done; no matter what you are going to do… you are worthy of some form of love.
— David Giffen, Founder of 403LC

CV Highlights

Non-violent Crisis Interventionist,
Crisis Prevention Institute, 2022

Cat Lake Evacuation Team,
2021 Northern Ontario Fires

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Certification,
University of Toronto, 2021

Trauma Informed Care,
Onsite Workshops,
Nashville TN, 2019

Keynote Speaker,
Western University,
London, Ontario, 2018